Managing Winter Dryness: How Humidifiers Help Tackle Dry Air

Winter brings more than just cold temperatures and festive holidays; it often leads to a significant drop in humidity levels. As the air gets colder in the Metro East Area, it loses its ability to hold moisture, resulting in dry indoor environments. At C&K Heating & Cooling, Inc., we understand that this dryness can cause […]
4 Indoor Air Quality Issues in The Fall & How to Fix Them

Fall is a beautiful time of the year, with the weather getting more temperate and comfortable. However, the same may not be true inside your home. The fall season can affect indoor air quality (IAQ) in several ways that homeowners should be aware of, but fortunately, there are solutions to each situation. If you have […]
Do I Need a Humidifier or Dehumidifier in My Home?

As the seasons come and go, keeping your home in the Metro East area comfortable can prove to be a challenge. Thankfully your local experts C&K Heating & Cooling, Inc. have experience in all aspects of home comfort, from air quality to temperature control. An often overlooked aspect of home comfort is humidity, but how can […]